Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meeting with the Oncologist and Third Chemo Treatment

Dad had a visit with Dr. Danso (Oncologist) and received his third full Chemo treatment today. This is the last one (hopefully). His blood count is fairly good (at least the numbers were high enough to receive Chemo). His Red Blood Count and Hemoglobin are on the low side - these numbers should rise now that he has finished his Chemo. One of the side effects of the Chemo is Neuropathy (numbness of hands and feet). It was recommended that Dad take L-Glutamine over the next 4 days to help with this.

What's next?
- CT Scan on November 3
- Return visit to Oncologist (Dr. Danso) November 12 11:30 am
- Return visit to Radiologist (Mehta) on November 13 2:30 am

In November, we will know whether the treatment has been successful.

Specific Prayer Requests:
- Symptoms of this Chemo treatment will be minimal
- Regain strength - physically - specifically his lungs
- Maintain good nutrition and weight will remain stable
- Blood count will rise to a normal level
- Positive news in November following 6 months of treatment

Thank you for your love and support - We will keep you up-to-date on his progress
God has blessed our family.

1 comment:

phyllis said...

Bob really appreciates all the prayer and good thoughts people send him and all the things they do during this hard time--our blog lady has done a super job too--thanks, middle daughter!