Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dad says he's doing "so-so"

He's not a complainer and definately not a hypochondriac. Currently, he is dealing with symptoms of his Chemo treatment received last Wednesday. His hands and feet are aching, mostly his knuckles - he is VERY sleepy. He's cold all the time and wraps up in a blanket every chance he gets. Nothing really tastes good to him so it's not fun to eat......It took a lot to get that much info from him as he is not one to feel sorry for himself. Pretty much the same symptoms as last treatment.

He was able to go to Church this morning. He said there were a few ladies that rubbed his bald head....most of them were his nieces!!!! They enjoyed loving on Uncle Bob. Praise God that Dad is able to join together with other believers and worship his Lord.

Please continue to lift Dad up in your prayers - Bless you all!

1 comment:

MyOhMy said...

"The Lord is my strength and my song..."
Exodus 15:2