Tuesday, May 27, 2008

One week of treatments behind him & look how great he looks ! ! !

Memorial Day Party at the Woollard's 5/24/08

Mom and Dad always look forward to the annual Memorial Day Celebration with their great friends and neighbors . . .the Woollards.

It is heart-warming to know that they are able to enjoy great food and great company with their friends. Thank you Ed, Ruth & Family.

Dad had his 5th Radiation treatment today and briefly saw the Radiologist. Tomorrow, Dad will have his 6th Radiation treatment - plus his second Chemo treatment - he will have blood work done as well.

Dad is feeling pretty good - his current symptoms are: irritated throat, his chest is sore when he walks a distance (to the mailbox) - Dad was given two different prescriptions to help with the irritation to his throat.

Praises & Prayer Requests:

  • Dad started strong - please pray that he ends the treatment strong

  • Pray that side effects will be minimal and that his throat and esophagus will not get too irritated

  • Dad has been able to get outside to a few of Levi's ballgames, help the boys cut trees on Shawn & Becky's property and is working in the yard - pray that he is able to continue to do what he enjoys

  • On Week 4 or 5, a new CT Scan will be done to see if progress is made in shrinking the tumor - pray that treatment is successful - better yet ...... pray that the tumor is gone!!!


Griese Family said...

Congrats, Mr. Hale on getting your first week behind you!! You look amazing!! God is with you!!

Troy and Christine Griese
(Friends of Shawn and Steph from High School)

Tim Hale said...

Dad, you look great. What a wonderful picture of you and mom and I'm happy to hear that your doing so well.