Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Great Day . . . Renewed Hope . . .

At 7:15 this morning, Dad arrived at Midland Hospital for his GAMMA Knife procedure - Thank you, Troy, for spending the night with him and getting Mom & Dad into town safely on this frigid cold morning.

After performing an MRI for planning purposes, a frame was attached to his head. Dad said "I'm dressed like an astronaut"!! The grandchildren would love to see that!!

While the doctors and health professionals planned the surgery, Dad tried to eat breakfast - since the frame prevented him from chewing, he chose to just drink BOOST and coffee.

The MRI revealed that the 10 treatments of Full Head Radiation reduced the size of the five tumors. PRAISE GOD for this great news. Due to the success of the Radiation, they could proceed with the GAMMA knife procedure.

While the non-invasive surgery was performed, we were able to watch him from a monitor in another room.

The machine moved Dad in and out three times - each time they would make adjustments. During one break, they let us go in and visit him. The procedure does not take long, is basically pain-free with minimal side effects. Dad's steroid medication has been altered because GAMMA knife can cause swelling of the brain. He will start out on a larger dose and gradually reduce over three weeks until he may go completely off that drug. Adjustments may be made based on how he is doing. A follow-up MRI will be done on March 9 and a visit with Dr. Mehta and the GAMMA knife experts will be held on March 12 to see the results of the surgery. We all felt he was better after the surgery - vision was clearer, tremors were reduced and his conversations improved.
Dad has a cold and cough - we are concerned that it could become serious so the GAMMA knife folks were kind enough to contact his family doctor and arranged for us to go directly to see him after lunch. He was placed on an antibiotic.
Shawn was able to arrive just before lunch to help transport Dad to the cafeteria for a little lunch, then across town to the family doctor and then get him back home. Thank you Troy, Shawn and Kevin for all your help in getting Dad to where he needed to be today. Mom had her blood pressure checked at the doctor today and it was PERFECT!!!
Dad had a BIG Day and was tired - It was a very good day and we are praying that we get successful results. Please pray with us as we ask God to heal Dad's body.
God has been good to our family and we are praising him as we see his hand in our lives.


Nancy said...

Glad to hear Bob was able to have the GAMMA knife procedure.

Hugs the whole family.

Praying everything goes well and that they get good results.

MyOhMy said...

Wow, what a day! The pictures are great (love how mom is looking at dad)it makes me feel like I was practically there (wish I had been).

All that prayer is working... our God is so good!

dazsdntell said...

HALLELUJAH!! Awesome news!! We spoke your name in church on Sunday, Mr. Hale...TRULY believing you've received your miracle today!!

Thank you for this very happy to share with my family how you're all doing. Mrs. Hale looks great, by the way!! :)


Stacy said...

What a great documentation of Bob's day. We are thrilled they were able to do that and that improvements are already noticable...quite amazing. You all hang in there!

Lynette said...

So glad everything went well , thought about you all evening as I was at work, thanks for the updates T_boy. God is Good!!!!!

Troy said...

I like how in the picture where their getting ready to put him in If you look in the center right side of the picture you can see a beam of light shoot across the picture and stop above his head. hmmm. I saw God Yesterday over and over.